Spirituality in Education: The North Star

Spirituality in Education: The North Star

The UMBC Department of Education Research Seminar series rounds out the fall semester on December 7th with a presentation by Dr. Jennifer Mata-McMahon.  Dr. Mata-McMahon will share the trajectory of her scholarship in children's spirituality and how the research she has  conducted in this field has led her to believe that the paradigm shift we need in our educational system can begin in higher education. She makes a call for us to rethink and redesign the ways in which we teach teachers how to teach: Focusing on preparing educators to develop a reflective approach to their practice by first doing inner/personal work and then embracing the invitation to teach from the soul, prioritizing their students’ spirit in the ways they teach. 

Click here for the Slides and the Script.

Children's Spirituality in Early Childhood Education

Children's Spirituality in Early Childhood Education

Promoting Kindergarten Readiness During Remote Learning Through Community-Based Family Literacy Sessions

Promoting Kindergarten Readiness During Remote Learning Through Community-Based Family Literacy Sessions